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Try a rehearsal

We'll be very pleased to welcome newcomers for their free 'taster' session.

To try a rehearsal, please contact the membership secretary 
Lauren Pataki:  so that we can look out for you and make you welcome. We rehearse face to face every Tuesday evening during term-time (7:30pm for a 7:45pm start), except for our half-term break. Our rehearsals last about two hours and take place at The Church of the Servant King, Furzton. 

There are no auditions, and you don't need to be able to read music.  

We look forward to hearing from you for your free taster session. If you would like to join us after your free taster session, the full fees are currently £60 per term (or £30 per half term).

For the sake of all members, please ensure your vaccinations are up to date, and use the hand-sanitiser provided. You're welcome to wear a mask before the rehearsal, afterwards (and even during!) if you wish. You're also welcome to bring a drink if you wish for the interval. Thank you

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Copyright © 2024 Milton Keynes Community Choir